Parenting solo is tough challenge, no doubt. But we get through it with family and friends.

In the midst of raising your kids on your own, you might not think of your situation as a bonus, but there are some overwhelmingly positive effects of single parenting that deserve attention. Kids raised by single parents tend to:
Create Stronger Bonds: Spending quality one-on-one time with your kids allows you to develop a unique bond that may actually be stronger than it would have been if you were not a single parent. Certainly, this is true for many custodial parents, but it's also true for a number of non-custodial parents who have the opportunity to play a unique role in their kids' lives.
Never diminish the importance of your role.
Realize if your bond isn't where you want it to be today, you can work to strengthen it.
Your connection with your children won't end when they turn 18; the bond will continue to evolve into your children's adult years.
Experience Authenic Community : We're all familiar with the phrase "It takes a village to raise a child." Kids raised in single parent families are often surrounded by a village of supporters, literally. In many cases, members of the extended family will step up and play a significant role in the children's lives. And single parents who don't live near family may choose to participate in community groups—including single parent support groups, churches, and synagogues—which champion the entire family.
Join a single parent support group.
Seek out civic groups that will help you plug into your local community.
Get involved in your child's school.
Share Responsibilities : Children raised in single parent families don't just have "token" chores to do in order to earn an allowance. Instead, their contribution to the entire family system is necessary. A genuine need for their assistance helps your kids recognize the value of their contribution and take pride in their own work.
Praise your kids for helping out around the home.
Let them know you recognize their efforts.
Expect them to contribute and be specific when asking them to help out.
Learn How to Handle Adversity: Children in single parent families witness conflict mediation skills in action. They get to see their parents working hard—despite their differences—to collaborate and work together effectively. In addition, the kids are forced to deal with their own disappointments early in life.
Respond with your kids' disappointment with support, encouragement, and empathy.
View these experiences as valuable growth opportunities, helping them become sensitive, empathetic, caring adults.
You can't always prevent your children from feeling sad or disappointed, but you can help them to express and cope with their emotions.
Learn how to Juggle Competing Priorities : Children who are raised in successful single parent families know that they are the main priority in their parents' lives, yet they are not treated as though they are the center of everyone's universe. This healthy approach helps to prepare kids for the "real world."
Help your children balance their own needs and wants with the needs of the entire family unit.
Realize that it's okay for you as the parent to pursue needs of your own, such as the need for alone time or adult conversation.
Teach your kids to express their needs while also considering the needs of others.