Keeping it tight in 2020 and beyond!

Look, keeping active during COVID is hard and the pandemic just makes it easier to be lazy, pack on ponds by frustration eating. I am there... and it sucks, really sucks. But what I have tried to create is a space where I have support and accountability. I am in a face book group called "team Thrust It" although a play on word for other things, my friend Doreena invited me to the group! Glad I did we share menus, kick each other's virtually ass when we slack and cheer each other on when our goals are met. Here are some of my tips to help
Create a new music playlist; I have added: Eve, Mi Casa ( South African group), Diamonds, (Sam Smith), Roses (Saint JHN) to name a few.
Get the efamily involved. Routinely on Sundays, Alex and I go the belt line to get out and exercise. then treat with @Kingofpops.
Join an online group. Plank Challenge or create on with your friends who might be feeling the same.
GET OUTDOORS, don't let the fall/winter season create Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)